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Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2018


Today 1.5ML event in Lancashire is fairly easy to see in our online data feeds. AQ04, AQ05 and AQ03 show it well. you can look at it yourself at earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/helicorder/hel…


British Geological Survey Headquaters

Environmental Science Centre

Nicker Hill



NG12 5GG, UK

Fax: (+44) 0115 936 3200


These are the silent criminals of the BGS, who on December 26, 2004 have failed to send warnings to the British embassy in Bangkok and the Thai authorities, warnings of the catastrophic consequences of the megaquake magnitude 9.3 in the Sunda Trench.

And here these idiots kick up a lot of stupid fuss over the smallest tremor in their British province in their hicksville where they are living out, tremors which are at best perceived by some animals.

Incidentally, these criminals and idiots at work are still silent about their crime, which resulted in a heap of corpses of British citizens. These citizens and taxpayers financed their useless, antisocial, parasitic life and their pseudoscientific employment as seismologists - seismologists who neither monitor nor use their disaster-relevant instruments in the event of an impending cross-border seismic disaster.

And until today the man-made tsunami massacre 2004 and the crime against humanity caused by them will be hushed up: Science on the moral abyss!

Jerzy Chojnowski
Chairman-GTVRG e.V.

PS. The automatic answer explains everything.

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