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Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2017


We look to the New National Security Strategy (NSS) for a New Era of the new US administration and welcome this initiative by US President Trump. This was long overdue because in terms of security all alarm bells were ringing for a long time.

However, the new era of our calendar has already begun not just when it changed hands at the White House in January 2017 but 17 years ago in 2000. That's how the 21st century began. This date should not only mark a new era in history, but also mark the beginning of a new era of the computer age in the globally networked and security-monitored world. Nevertheless, the potential inherent in technical progress, especially in the case of possible prevention of imminent disaster, fell short far behind of hopes and expectations and left largely unexploited - criminally and grossly negligent. Despite the tremendous epoch-making advances in computer-aided data collection and processing of all security-related factors, despite the availability of global communication in a matter of seconds, organization and the human factor were left unconsidered. Precisely because there was a lot to do in this regard - also in terms of national security of the USA - this had catastrophic consequences for America and the rest of the world, especially the free world.

As soon as the new century has begun, the USA have slipped into the first man-made catastrophe of the century: the 9/11 disaster with around 3,000 dead. The home-made root cause: turf war at home between the CIA and the FBI, an organizational failure. The political and legal processing of this disaster did not take place (until today). So a new, much worse and devastating man-made disater could happen: the tsunami disaster Christmas 2004 with an estimated 300,000 deaths including an unknown number of American victims. 

This time, US failure was not just related to two security government agencies, but systemic and collective. The entire security architecture of America has turned out to be a shambles. In detail without going into details in all its breadth:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).......................... FAILED
within the United States Department of Commerce....................................... FAILED
NOAA-Administrator retired Navy Vice Admiral
Conrad Lautenbacher ................................................................................... FAILED

Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC)/ PTWC. ....................................... FAILED
Staff: Charles McCreery, Ph.D. (Director). ................................................... FAILED 
Stuart Weinstein, Ph.D. (Assistant Director)................................................. FAILED 
Barry Hirshorn (Geophysicist)....................................................................... FAILED

United States Geological Survey (USGS)..................................................... FAILED
National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC)........................................... FAILED

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).............................. FAILED

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)................................................................. FAILED

National Security Agency (NSA)..................................................................  FAILED

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).......................................................  FAILED

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)............................................ FAILED  
Maritime Safety Information Center............................................................... FAILED

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).................................................................. FAILED

U.S. Navy 7th Fleet Command (HQ USPACOM).......................................... FAILED
Fleet Commander Vice Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert.................................... FAILED

Diego Garcia Command (DGCOM)............................................................... FAILED

USAF Transportation Command Aeromedical Evacuation Units.................. FAILED

Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)...................................... FAILED

US Department of Defense (DOD) - The Pentagon...................................... FAILED

US State Department.................................................................................... FAILED
Secretary of State Colin Powell..................................................................... FAILED

White House Situation Room (SITROOM).................................................... FAILED

US president Bush's science adviser, (who was confirmed by 
the Senate on October 23, 2001)physicist John Marburger......................... FAILED

White House Office of Science and Technology (was created 1976)........... FAILED

United States National Security Council (NSC)............................................ FAILED

Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)................................................... FAILED

Department of Homeland Security (DHS).................................................... FAILED

There was not a single American in the country… not a single person in the homeland or abroad from the hundreds of thousands of experts and staff counting apparatus, equipped with the most sophisticated technology on land, water, in the air and in orbit… there was not a single one who was prepared and willing to call Bangkok and to warn of the acute catastrophe danger, of the impending Tsunami and the coming deadly disaster… not a single one(!).

America has simply left in the lurch its best and most loyal allies in the Southeast Asia Thailand in the case of emergency. America abandoned also its unsuspecting American citizens, who financed this ineligible apparatus and who were then tourists in the threatened beach hotels. And America abandoned the innocent thousands of Western tourists who naively believed that those responsible were doing their duty. In the event of impending tsunami America has simply left in the lurch all of them who were exposed to the imminent calamity.

Two hours passed between the mega earthquake and the impact of the tsunami on the Thai west coast. Two long hours elapsed between the dangerous seaquake in the Sunda Trench right in front of the Thai coast with full to bursting hotels and the arrival of the tsunami on the west coast of Thailand. Two long hours that were without consequences and criminally negligent were not used for urgent warnings and effective alarms and evacuation. This valuable time let the responsible people pass away. So the catastrophe could take its course and ended in a massacre. The fact that the 2004 tsunami massacre occurred in hotels and on hotel beaches was a crime against humanity.

The victims could not be compensated for their suffering and losses and those responsible for this criminal failure could not be brought to the justice and judicially convicted till now because their criminal failure was hushed up, kept secret, covered up, suppressed and supported by: 

Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS); American Geophysical Union (AGU); Seismological Society of America (SSA); American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS); International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI); International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG); National Science Foundation (NSF); The United States Congress: The Senate and The House of Representatives; Left-wing pols of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, among them Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Dianne Feinstein; The United States Department of Justice (DOJ); Government Accountability Office (GAO); Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI); National Organisation for Victims Assistance (NOVA); The American Red Cross; The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York; Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle; US President George Walker Bush; US President Barack Hussein Obama; the US left-wing mass media driven by Jews and Lefties: press, film (Hollywood), television, radio.

All these supposed experts, well-endowed professionals and public officials made a fool of themself: It was an evidence of absolute incapacity, incompetence, shortcomings to shame themself and a damning indictment of modern American society. That was synonymous with an America's declaration of political, judical and moral bankruptcy.

America has lost the race against time. An underdeveloped country of Black Africa, Keina, evacuated its tourist beaches within 30 minutes. No tourist died there during the tsunami. The world superpower America together with the technologically sophisticated West have lost the race against time against a primitive but wary like a watch-dog nomadic Massai people, raising livestock in the hinterland and otherwise guarding the tourist beaches.

America has lost – Massai have won.

No wonder, then, that the new US president Trump deals with the new country's security strategy. This is urgently needed and does not tolerate any delay. In the old way neither America nor the free world can function.

Jerzy Chojnowski
Chairman-GTVRG e.V.

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