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Johannes Rogalla v. Bieberstein 
greift in seinem neuesten Buch ein brisantes Thema auf
von Lothar Groppe 

Die Behandlung des höchst brisanten Themas durch einen auch im Ausland anerkannten Fachmann dürfte zu einer objektiveren Sicht der jüngsten Geschichte beitragen. Professor Nolte schrieb hierzu ein gewichtiges Vorwort. Ein Rußlandexperte von Harvard stellte 1996 fest: "Die Unterstellung, daß das internationale Judentum den Kommunismus erfand, um die christliche oder ,arische' Zivilisation zu zerstören, habe die ideologische und psychologische Begründung der ,Endlösung' geschaffen."
Zwar lehnte die Mehrheit der Juden den bis dahin unvorstellbaren Terror der Bolschewisten ab, was aber nicht verhinderte, daß die christliche Welt auf die bolschewistische Bedrohung mit Antisemitismus regierte. Der amerikanische Autokönig Henry Ford prangerte in seinem Weltbestseller "Der internationale Jude" die Juden generalisierend als "Revolutionsmacher", speziell in Deutschland und Ungarn, wo Bela Kun eine jüdische Räterepublik errichtet hatte, an. Sein Buch wurde in 16 Sprachen übersetzt und lieferte den Nationalsozialisten willkommene Munition für ihren Kampf gegen die Juden. Es war nur folgerichtig, daß Ford Hitler unterstützte.
Daß nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Tausende Bücher über Antisemitismus und Nationalsozialismus erschienen, aber kein einziges über den "jüdischen Bolschewismus", glaubt der israelische Historiker Jacob L. Talmon darin begründet, daß es sich um ein explosives Thema handelt, nämlich um die historische Verantwortung und Schuld der Juden für den Bolschewismus. Wenn Daniel Goldhagen in "Hitlers willige Vollstrecker" behauptet, der Antisemitismus habe mit dem Handeln der Juden nichts zu tun, ist im günstigsten Fall anzunehmen, daß er die Geschichte nicht kennt. Wenn Elie Wiesel schreibt: "Die Mörder [der Juden] waren Christen", könnte man mit sehr viel mehr Recht darauf hinweisen, daß jüdische Bolschewisten den Tod von Millionen Menschen auf dem Gewissen haben. In der Tscheka, der bolschewistischen Geheimpolizei, betrug der Anteil von jüdischen Spitzenfunktionären im Jahr 1934 39 Prozent, bei einem Bevölkerungsanteil von lediglich zwei Prozent. Trotzki war der erste Vorsitzende der "Gesellschaft der Gottlosen". Sein Stellvertreter, Emeljan Jaroslawski, ebenfalls Jude, erklärte: "Wir wollen alle Kirchen der ganzen Welt in ein riesiges Meer von Flammen stürzen." Von 54.000 russischen Kirchen 1914 waren 1940 noch ganze 500 übriggeblieben. Der "kriegerische Atheismus" wurde in der Sowjetunion unter führender Beteiligung der jüdischen Revolutionäre Trotzki und Jaroslawski mörderisch verwirklicht.
Juden arrangierten sich vielfach mit den Bolschewisten als dem geringeren Übel. Im Bürgerkrieg befanden sie sich in einer Zwangslage: bei den Bolschewisten mißfiel ihnen vieles, aber bei den "Weißen" mußten sie wegen der Gleichsetzung von Jude und Bolschewik das Schlimmste befürchten. Die gewaltige Überrepräsentanz von jüdischen Bolschewiken war für die Antisemiten in Rußland und aller Welt ein "Sowjetjudäa". Es wurde aber unterschlagen, daß die jüdischen Kommunisten alles andere als Repräsentanten der Juden waren. Ähnliches gilt von den Hauptverantwortlichen für den Holocaust: Himmler, Heydrich, Eichmann und Höß waren demonstrativ aus der Kirche ausgetreten. Im Kreis seiner Vertrauten ließ Hitler keinen Zweifel daran, das Christentum nach dem "Endsieg" auszurotten.
Trotz zahlreicher Juden in den Reihen der Bolschewiken ist die Rede vom "jüdischen Bolschewismus" eine böswillige Verallgemeinerung. Antibolschewistische Juden in Berlin verurteilten 1923 die Parteinahme von Juden für den Bolschewismus als schwere, verhängnisvolle Schuld. Jakob Mazeh, der Mos-kauer Oberrabbiner, hatte seinerzeit Trotzki beschworen: "Die Trotzkis machen die Revolution, und die Bronsteins müssen dafür bezahlen." Wie in der Tscheka war auch in der Komintern der Anteil jüdischer Kommunisten außerordentlich hoch. Erster Präsident der Komintern war der Jude Sinowjew, ihre reisenden Funktionäre waren ausnahmslos Juden. Dennoch bildeten jüdische Kommunisten in der Gesamtheit der Juden eine Minderheit. Die Juden Mittel- und Westeuropas waren überwiegend bürgerlich-liberal oder sozialdemokratisch orientiert. In der Weimarer Republik betrug der Anteil der Juden an der kommunistischen Reichstagsfraktion etwa zehn Prozent, bei einem Bevölkerungsanteil von 0,7 Prozent.
In Österreich stammten linksradikale KPÖ-Mitglieder vielfach aus jüdischen Familien. Antisemitische Agitatoren arbeiteten mit der Gleichsetzungstheorie Jude gleich Revolutionär. Man sprach vom Revolutionsjuden und von RevoluZion. So wuchs der Antisemitismus dramatisch an. Die in Ungarn vom Juden Bela Kun errichtete Räterepublik verfügte über überwiegend jüdisches Führungspersonal. Von 48 Volkskommissaren waren 30 Juden, von 202 Spitzenbeamten 161. Nach dem Zusammenbruch brandete eine Haßwelle durch das Land. Dem "weißen" Terror fielen rund 5.000 Menschen zum Opfer, unter ihnen etwa 3.000 Juden. Auch in der Sowjet-union führte die Überrepräsentanz jüdischer Funktionäre zum unbändigen Haß gegen die Juden, der in den 30er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts zum "Holocaust an den sowjetischen Juden" führte. Die "Protokolle der Weisen" galten als Beweis für die Drahtziehertheorie. Nach ihr gab es eine geheime jüdische Weltregierung, die eine jüdische Weltherrschaft herbeiführen will. Stalin suchte sich durch skrupellosen Antisemitismus als russischer Patriot zu empfehlen. Daß sein Vertrauter Kaganowitsch zweiter Mann in der Sowjetunion wurde, diente als Alibi, daß er nichts gegen die Juden habe. Kaganowitsch wie der ebenfalls jüdische Chef der Tscheka, Jagoda, trugen die Hauptverantwortung für den Tod von 14,5 Millionen Menschen während der Kollektivierung der Landwirtschaft, vor allem in der Ukraine. Dies steigerte den Antisemitismus und führte in der Ukraine und in Galizien zu blutigen Pogromen. Der jüdische Soziologe Manès Sperber wandte sich wegen der "Säuberungen" vom Kommunismus ab. Er räumte ein, "daß Juden nicht immer nur die Opfer, sondern auch Täter waren". Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg eskalierte die Judenfeindschaft in den USA, weil die eingewanderten Juden einen "Vortrupp des Bolschewismus" darstellten. Der britische Globe unterstellte am 5. April 1919, daß der Bolschewismus der "erste Angriff des Judaismus auf das Christentum" sei. In Berlin war die sowjetische Botschaft der Herd der bolschewistischen Agitation. In der KPD gab es viele jüdische Spitzenfunktionäre. Jedoch mehr noch als in Berlin traten in München jüdische Revolutionäre in Erscheinung, was zu einem aggressiven Antisemitismus führte. Die jüdische Kommunistin Ruth Fischer vertrat die These, ohne den Bürgerkrieg in Bayern wäre München nie zur Geburtsstätte der Hitler-Bewegung geworden.
Bei der Tagung "Yiddish and the Left" 2001 in Oxford kritisierte Tony Michels das Widerstreben seiner Zeitgenossen, öffentlich die "disproportionale" Zahl der jüdischen Mitglieder der kommunistischen Parteien zu diskutieren. Jedoch Tat- sachen verschwinden nicht durch Verschweigen. Es gilt, zunächst die Fakten zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und dann nach einer Erklärung für sie zu suchen. Der hohe Anteil von Juden an kommunistischen Parteien ist weitgehend darin begründet, daß sie jahrhundertelang unterdrückt wurden und sich durch den Anschluß an den Bolschewismus ihre Befreiung erhofften. Es ist jedoch keine böswillige Unterstellung, sondern Tatsache, daß gerade jüdische Revolutionäre das Christentum zu vernichten suchten. Henryk M. Broder wies anläßlich der Eröffnung des jüdischen Museums in Berlin am 24. September 2001 im Spiegel darauf hin, daß das Museum nur "brave Juden" präsentiere, aber nicht "unerwünschte" wie Karl Marx und Rosa Luxemburg. Ohne die Existenz jüdischer Kommunisten wäre die Vorstellung vom jüdischen Kommunismus weder entstanden noch plausibel zu machen.
Die Kampfansage des Bolschewismus an die bürgerliche und christliche Welt hat den Antisemitismus noch verstärkt. Diesen Zusammenhang zu ignorieren und, wie Goldhagen, zu behaupten, Antisemitismus habe nichts mit dem Handeln der Juden zu tun, verfälscht die Geschichte. Die Identifizierung von Juden mit Bolschewisten diente den Nationalsozialisten als perfekter Vorwand für ihren Massenmord an den Juden.
Biebersteins Buch dürfte nicht allgemeinen Beifall finden, da es nicht der Political Correctness entspricht. Aber die These von durchgängig jüdischen Opfern ist ebenso unhaltbar wie die von "Hitlers willigen Vollstreckern. Die sorgfältigen Belege seiner Ausführungen vermögen Juden wie Nichtjuden vom hohen Roß der Selbstgefälligkeit" und des arroganten Pharisäismus herunterzuholen, sofern beide entschlossen sind, sich nicht von vorgefaßter Ideologie, sondern von Tatsachen leiten zu lassen und die Geschichte so zu sehen, "wie es eigentlich gewesen ist". Das ausgezeichnete Buch verdient weiteste Verbreitung.

Johannes Rogalla v. Bieberstein, ",Jüdischer Bolschewismus'. Mythos und Realität", Edition Antaios, Dresden 2002, 312 S., brosch., 29,00 Euro 


Jewish Bolshevism

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Judeo-Communism)
For the participation of the Jews in the Russian revolutionary movement, see Bundism.
Jewish Bolshevism, also known as Judeo-Bolshevism,  alleges that the Jews were at the origin of the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among Bolsheviks. Similarly, the Jewish Communism theory implies that Jews have been dominating the Communist movements in the world. It is similar to the ZOG conspiracy theory, which asserts that Jews control world politics.[1] The expressions have been used as a catchword for the assertion that Communism is a Jewish conspiracy. It has often coincided with overtly aggressive nationalistic tendencies in the 20th century and 21st century.[clarification needed][citation needed]

In Poland, "Judeo-Bolshevism" was and is known as "Żydokomuna" .[2]

The expression was the title of a pamphlet, The Jewish Bolshevism, and became current after the 1917 October Revolution in Russia, featuring prominently in the propaganda of the anti-communist "White" forces during the Russian Civil War.
The theory was propagated by the Nazi Party and their American sympathizers.[3][4][5][6]


White movement propaganda poster from the Russian Civil War era (1919), a caricature of Leon Trotsky, who was viewed as a symbol of Jewish Bolshevism.[7]
The conflation of Jews and revolution emerged in the atmosphere of destruction of Russia during World War I. When the revolutions of 1917 crippled Russia's war effort, conspiracy theories grew up - even far from Berlin and Petrograd, many Britons for example, ascribed the Russian Revolution to an "apparent conjunction of Bolsheviks, Germans and Jews."[8]
The worldwide spread of the concept in the 1920s is associated with the publication and circulation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fraudulent document that purported to describe a secret Jewish conspiracy aimed at world domination. The expression made an issue out of the Jewishness of some leading Bolsheviks (most notably Leon Trotsky) during and after the October Revolution. Daniel Pipes says that "primarily through the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Whites spread these charges to an international audience."[9] James Webb wrote that it is rare to find an antisemitic source after 1917 that ..."does not stand in debt to the White Russian analysis of the Revolution."[10]

Jewish involvement in Russian Communism

Antisemitism in the Russian Empire was both on cultural level and institutionalized. The Jews were restricted to live within the Pale of Settlement,[11] as well as subjected to sporadic pogroms.[12][13] In the period from 1881 to 1920, more than two million Jews left Russia.[14]

Conditions in Russia (1924) A Census - Bolsheviks by Ethnicity
As a result, Jews in relatively large numbers joined various ideological currents favoring gradual or revolutionary changes within the Russian Empire. Those movements ranged from the far left (anarchists,[15] Bundists, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks[16]) to moderate left (Trudoviks[17]) and constitutionalist (Constitutional Democrats[18]) parties.On the eve of the February Revolution in 1917, of about 23,000 members of the Bolshevik party 364 (about 1.6%) were known to be ethnic Jews.[14] According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews.[19] Between 1936 and 1940, during the Great Purge, Yezhovshchina and after the rapprochement with Nazi Germany, Stalin had largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions.[20]
An example of the exaggeration of Jewish influence in the Soviet Communist Party is the estimate by Alfred Jensen that in the 1920s "75 per cent of the leading Bolsheviks" were "of Jewish origin" quoted by journalist David Aaronovitch.[better source needed] According to Aaronovitch, "a cursory examination of membership of the top committees shows this figure to be an absurd exaggeration".[21]

Nazi Germany

Anti-Soviet Nazi propaganda poster in the Polish language, the text reads "Death! to Jewish-Bolshevik pestilence of murdering!"
Walter Laqueur traces the Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy theory to Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg, for whom Bolshevism was "the revolt of the Jewish, Slavic and Mongolian races against the German (Aryan) element in Russia". Germans, according to Rosenberg, had been responsible for Russia's historic achievements and had been sidelined by the Bolsheviks, who did not represent the interests of the Russian people, but instead those of its ethnic Jewish and Chinese population.[22]
Michael Kellogg in his Ph.D. thesis argues that the racist ideology of Nazis was to a significant extent influenced by White emigres in Germany, many of whom while being former subjects of the Russian Empire, were of non-Russian descent: ethnic Germans, residents of Baltic lands, including Baltic Germans, and Ukrainians. Of particular role was their Aufbau organization (Aufbau: Wirtschafts-politische Vereinigung für den Osten (Reconstruction: Economic-Political Organization for the East). For example, its leader was instrumental in making the Protocols of The Elders of Zion available in German language. He argues that early Hitler was rather philosemitic, and became rabidly anti-Semitic since 1919 under the influence of the White emigre convictions about the conspiracy of the Jews, an unseen unity from financial capitalists to Bolsheviks, to conquer the world.[23] Therefore, his conclusion is that White emigrees were at the source of the Nazist concept of Jewish Bolshevism. Annemarie Sammartino argues that this view is contestable. While there is no doubt that White emigres were instrumental in reinforcing the idea of 'Jewish Boslhevism' among Nazis, the concept is also found in many German early post-World-War-I documents. Also, Germany had its own share of Jewish Communists "to provide fodder for the paranoid fantasies of German antisemites" without Russian Bolsheviks.[24]
During the 1920s, Hitler declared that the mission of the Nazi movement was to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism".[25] Hitler asserted that the "three vices" of "Jewish Marxism" were democracy, pacifism and internationalism,[26] and that the Jews were behind Bolshevism, communism and Marxism.[27]
In Nazi Germany, this concept of Jewish Bolshevism reflected a common perception that Communism was a Jewish-inspired and Jewish-led movement seeking world domination from its origin. The term was popularized in print in German journalist Dietrich Eckhart's 1924 pamphlet "Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin" ("Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin") which depicted Moses and Lenin as both being Communists and Jews. This was followed by Alfred Rosenberg's 1923 edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Hitler's Mein Kampf in 1925, which saw Bolshevism as "Jewry's twentieth century effort to take world dominion unto itself."
According to French spymaster and writer Henri Rollin, "Hitlerism" was based on "anti-Soviet counter-revolution" promoting the "myth of a mysterious Jewish-Masonic-Bolshevik plot", entailing that the First World War had been instigated by a vast Jewish-Masonic conspiracy to topple the Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian Empires and implement Bolshevism by fomenting liberal ideas.[28][page needed]
A major source for propaganda about Jewish Bolshevism in the 1930s and early 1940s was the pro-Nazi and antisemitic international Welt-Dienst news agency founded in 1933 by Ulrich Fleischhauer.
Within the German Army, a tendency to see Soviet Communism as a Jewish conspiracy had grown since the First World War, something that became officialised under the Nazis. A 1932 pamphlet by Ewald Banse of the Government-financed German National Association for the Military Sciences described the Soviet leadership as mostly Jewish, dominating an apathetic and mindless Russian population.[29]
Propaganda produced in 1935 by the psychological war laboratory of the German War Ministry described Soviet officials as "mostly filthy Jews" and called on Red Army soldiers to rise up and kill their "Jewish commissars". This material was not used at the time, but served as a basis for propaganda in the 1940s.[30]
Members of the SS were encouraged to fight against the "Jewish Bolshevik sub-humans". In the pamphlet The SS as an Anti-Bolshevist Fighting Organization, published in 1936, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler wrote:
We shall take care that never again in Germany, the heart of Europe, will the Jewish-Bolshevistic revolution of subhumans be able to be kindled either from within or through emissaries from without.[31]
In his speech to the Reichstag justifying Operation Barbarossa in 1941, Hitler said:
For more than two decades the Jewish Bolshevik regime in Moscow had tried to set fire not merely to Germany but to all of Europe…The Jewish Bolshevik rulers in Moscow have unswervingly undertaken to force their domination upon us and the other European nations and that is not merely spiritually, but also in terms of military power…Now the time has come to confront the plot of the Anglo-Saxon Jewish war-mongers and the equally Jewish rulers of the Bolshevik centre in Moscow![32]
Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel gave an order on 12 September 1941 which declared: "the struggle against Bolshevism demands ruthless and energetic, rigorous action above all against the Jews, the main carriers of Bolshevism.[33]
Historian Richard J. Evans wrote that Wehrmacht officers regarded the Russians as "sub-human", and were from the time of the invasion of Poland in 1939 telling their troops the war was caused by "Jewish vermin", explaining to the troops that the war against the Soviet Union was a war to wipe out what were variously described as "Jewish Bolshevik subhumans", the "Mongol hordes", the "Asiatic flood" and the "red beast", language clearly intended to produce war crimes by reducing the enemy to something less than human.[34]
Joseph Goebbels published an article in 1942 called "the so-called Russian soul" in which he claimed that Bolshevism was exploiting the Slavs and that the battle of the Soviet Union determined whether Europe would become under complete control by international Jewry.[35]
Nazi propaganda presented Barbarossa as an ideological-racial war between German National Socialism and "Judeo-Bolshevism", dehumanising the Soviet enemy as a force of Slavic Untermensch (sub-humans) and "Asiatic" savages engaging in "barbaric Asiatic fighting methods" commanded by evil Jewish commissars whom German troops were to grant no mercy.[36] The vast majority of the Wehrmacht officers and soldiers tended to regard the war in Nazi terms, seeing their Soviet opponents as sub-human.[37]
While National Socialism brought about a new version and formulation of European culture, Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself. It is not only anti-bourgeois, it is anti-cultural. It means, in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advances made by western civilization for the benefit of a rootless and nomadic international clique of conspirators, who have found their representation in Jewry. — Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, September 1935[38]

Outside Nazi Germany

Great Britain, 1920s

In the early 1920s, a leading British antisemite, Henry Hamilton Beamish, stated that Bolshevism was the same thing as Judaism.[39] In the same decade, future wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill penned an editorial entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism," which was published in the Illustrated Sunday Herald. In the article, which asserted that Zionism and Bolshevism were engaged in a "struggle for the soul of the Jewish people", he called on Jews to repudiate "the Bolshevik conspiracy" and make clear that "the Bolshevik movement is not a Jewish movement" but stated that:
[Bolshevism] among the Jews is nothing new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.[40]
Author Gisela C. Lebzelter noted that Churchill's analysis failed to analyze the role that Russian oppression of Jews had played in their joining various revolutionary movements, but instead "to inherent inclinations rooted in Jewish character and religion."[41]

Works propagating the Jewish Bolshevism canard

The Jewish Bolshevism

The Jewish Bolshevism is a 31- or 32-page antisemitic pamphlet published in London in 1922 and 1923 by the Britons Publishing Society. It included a foreword by the German Nazi leader Alfred Rosenberg who promulgated the concept of "Jewish Bolshevism".
This relatively obscure publication embodies the Nazi doctrine that "Jewishness" and Bolshevism are the same; or that Bolshevism is Jewish, whether everything Jewish is included within Bolshevism. The methodology used consists of identifying Bolsheviks as Jews; by birth, or by name or by demographics.
According to Singerman, The Jewish Bolshevism, which he dubs as item "0121" in his Bibliography, is "Identical in content to item "0120", the pamphlet The Grave Diggers of Russia, which was published in 1921 in Germany, by Dr. E. Boepple. In 1922, historian Gisela C. Lebzelter wrote: "The Britons published a brochure entitled Jewish Bolshevism, which featured drawings of Russian leaders supplemented by brief comments on their Jewish descent and affiliation. This booklet, which was prefaced by Alfred Rosenberg, had previously been published in English by völkisch Deutscher Volksverlag."[42]

The Octopus

The Octopus is a 256-page book self-published in 1940 by Elizabeth Dilling under the pseudonym "Rev. Frank Woodruff Johnson".[43]

Behind Communism

Frank L. Britton, editor of The American Nationalist published a book, Behind Communism, in 1952 which disseminated the myth that Communism was a Jewish conspiracy originating in Palestine.[44]

Dismissal of the concept

Researchers in the topic, such as Polish philosopher Stanisław Krajewski "[45] or André Gerrits, [46] denounce the concept of "Jewish Bolshevism" as a prejudice. Law professor Ilya Somin agrees, and compares Jewish involvement in other communist countries. "Overrepresentation of a group in a political movement does not prove either that the movement was "dominated" by that group or that it primarily serves that group’s interests. The idea that communist oppression was somehow Jewish in nature is belied by the record of communist regimes in countries like China, North Korea, and Cambodia, where the Jewish presence was and is minuscule."[47]

See also

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