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Sonntag, 15. November 2015


25./26. März 2014
Jerzy Lastname Chojnowski E-Mail gtvrg@wtnet.de
To: "Airbus" <media@airbus.com>
Subject Anfrage: MH 370

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

bei dem verschollenen Flugzeug vom Typ Boeing 777-200 des Flugs MH-370 ließen sich der Transponder und andere vitale Kommunikationseinrichtungen des Flugzeugs problemlos manuell abschalten. Daher war die Ortung und Identifizierung des Flugzeugs so gut wie unmöglich geworden. Diese Möglichkeit machten sich schon die Entführer an 9/11 zunutze.

Wie ist das bei anderen Flugzeugen geregelt?
Wenn Airbus es genauso gehandhabt hat wie Boeing, was ist der Grund dafür?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jerzy Chojnowski
(Chairman-GTVRG e.V.)

Thank you for your comment. Your request will be forwarded to a Airbus representative.



March 30, 2014

Boeing Deutschland:
Boeing Operations International, Inc.
Lennéstraße 9
D-10785 Berlin
T: +49 (30) 77377-0
F: +49 (30) 77377-300

Any lessons learned?
Inquiry to Boeing:
Boeing 777-200 and the Flight MH 370


In view of what happened 9/11 when approaching airplanes could not be contacted tracked and identified because the hijackers had switched off the respective devices, one would by now have expected reviewed technical standards and practices.

Apparently these lessons haven’t been learnt.

A Boeing 777-200 disappeared March 8 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, vanishing without trace, till now. Investigators assume all of the 239 passengers and crew on board are dead. Malaysia did lose a plane and many people lost theirs lives – avoidable.

As whoever was in control of Flight MH 370 over the Bay of Thailand and seven more hours during the rest of it’s flight he could hide plane’s track, mask it’s altitude and camouflage it’s identification by switching off the transponder and all the other radio links making the plane out of reach, invisible for air traffic controllers and potentially dangerous for other planes. Three separate communication systems have been disabled manually to mask plane’s location to avoid detection and to hide it from radar and satellites. The backup transponder hasn’t been automatically activated. Apparently it is nowadays dead easy for everyone to convert an airliner into a civilian “stealth bomber”.

How could this still be possible?
Hasn’t Boeing thought of redesigning its planes?

Almost 1 200 triple sevens are still in operation. More then 40 000 airliners with more then  8 000 000 passengers fly each day around the world. Every day millions of human lives have to rely on aircraft engineering, which don’t meet requirements of air security.

If there is a reasonable explanation we would be grateful to hear it.


Jerzy Chojnowski
(Chairman-GTVRG e.V.)

German Tsunami Victims Response Group e.V.
was established as a non-profit tsunami victims organisation
acting worldwide to prevent man-made disasters
Account for Donations:
IBAN: DE74 2007 0021 3892 00, BIC: DEUTDEDBHAM
