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Freitag, 28. Oktober 2016


„Something is Rotten in the United States of America.“
(frei nach W. Shakespeares Hamlet)

Ein Schachmatt ist eine Stellung im Schachspiel, in der ein König im Schach steht und es keinen regelgerechten Zug gibt, dies aufzuheben. Mit einem Schachmatt ist die Partie beendet und für den Spieler, dessen König schachmatt gesetzt wurde, verloren.

Checkmate is a game position in chess in which a player's king is in check (threatened with capture) and there is no way to remove the threat. Checkmating the opponent wins the game. In chess the king is never actually captured – the game ends as soon as the king is checkmated.



# Clinton is checkmated (on Nov. 8, 2016)

# Comey is checkmated (on Mai 9, 2017)/updated on Mai 10, 2017

House Republicans Push for New Hillary Clinton Investigation

Declaration comes as FBI chief defends recommendation against charging former secretary of state over handling of emails

By Kate O’Keeffe and
Byron Tau
WASHINGTON—House Republicans said Thursday they would seek a new Federal Bureau of Investigation examination into Hillary Clinton, this one focused on whether she lied to Congress about her handling of classified information, raising the likelihood the controversy over her private email system will continue through the fall elections.
The announcement came as FBI Director James Comey appeared before Congress to forcefully defend his recommendation to the Justice Department earlier this week against charging Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Comey said that only once in the past century had charges been levied against someone for handling classified information negligently but without malign intent.
Conduct like Mrs. Clinton’s could lead to administrative penalties if the individual were still in the government, Mr. Comey told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, but he doesn’t believe the former secretary of state should be prosecuted.
FBI Director James Comey said that, though then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t violate laws that could lead to a criminal prosecution, it doesn’t mean similar conduct by an FBI employee wouldn’t lead to a reprimand. Photo: AP
“We don’t want to put people in jail unless we can prove they knew they were doing something they shouldn’t do,” Mr. Comey said.
The FBI director suggested Mrs. Clinton reasonably assessed that some of the disputed emails were unclassified because they weren’t properly marked. He added that she may not have been “sophisticated” about the treatment of classified information. Those are potential obstacles for a push to prosecute her for lying to Congress about whether particular emails were classified.
The nearly five-hour back-and-forth between Republicans, Democrats and Mr. Comey marked an extraordinary moment, as top lawmakers grilled an FBI director over a prosecutorial decision regarding a presumptive presidential nominee. The session came two days after Mr. Comey made his recommendation against charges at a rare news conference, in which he also criticized Mrs. Clinton for having been “extremely careless” with protecting the nation’s secrets.
Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said the campaign was pleased with the hearing’s outcome, despite the “partisan motivations” for holding it.
“Director Comey’s testimony clearly knocked down a number of false Republican talking points and reconciled apparent contradictions between his previous remarks and Hillary Clinton’s public statements,” he said.
As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton used a private email server for government business, something she now admits was a mistake.
The FBI found that 113 of the emails she sent or received contained information that was considered classified at the time, while an additional 2,000 or so were deemed classified later.
The hearing Thursday made it clear that in this heated political season, the email issue is unlikely to fade.
Republicans repeatedly expressed incredulity that Mrs. Clinton wouldn’t be prosecuted despite the FBI’s findings that she mishandled classified information and that her carelessness possibly enabled hostile actors to gain access to state secrets.
Democrats said the decision meant she wouldn’t be singled out solely because she is a high-profile figure.
Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) asked if the FBI looked into whether Mrs. Clinton perjured herself in an October 2015 hearing before the Republican-led House Benghazi committee. Mr. Comey said the FBI would have needed a referral from Congress to do so.
“You’ll have one in the next few hours,” Mr. Chaffetz replied. That raises the possibility that another FBI investigation into Mrs. Clinton could continue well into the fall election campaign and possibly beyond.
FBI Director James Comey testified at a House committee hearing. Mr. Comey was called to defend his decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton for her use of private email as secretary of state. Photo: yuri gripas/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
At the heart of the perjury dispute is Mrs. Clinton’s testimony before the Benghazi committee, which investigated the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador, in which she said “there was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”
The FBI investigation found that three emails of the more than 30,000 reviewed by agents contained classification markings, according to Mr. Comey.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R., N.C.) said it defies credulity that Mrs. Clinton didn’t know that a “(C)” by certain paragraphs in the emails meant the information was classified. Mr. Comey disagreed, suggesting Mrs. Clinton wasn’t well-versed in the classification system.
“It’s an interesting question whether she was sophisticated enough to understand what a C in parens means,” Mr. Comey said. “It’s possible—possible—she didn’t understand what a (C) meant when she saw it in the body of the email like that.”
He later added that none of the emails in question were properly prefaced with headers to signal that classified information was included below.
A State Department spokesman said Wednesday that the letter markings on those emails resulted from “human error” and never belonged in the emails in the first place, as the material wasn't actually classified.
Mr. Chaffetz said he was “mystified” by Mr. Comey’s recommendation against charges, given the recklessness the FBI found on Mrs. Clinton’s part, and said she was being held to a different standard than ordinary Americans.
“It seems to a lot of us that the average Joe, the average American, that if they had done what you laid out in your statement, that they’d be in handcuffs and they might be on their way to jail and they probably should,” Mr. Chaffetz said. “There is a legitimate concern that there is a double standard.”
Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the committee’s top Democrat, supported Mr. Comey’s assertion that others in Mrs. Clinton’s position wouldn’t have been prosecuted, lacking evidence of a willful intent to violate the law.
“If prosecutors had gone forward, they would have been holding the secretary to a different standard from everyone else,” Mr. Cummings said.
Under questioning, Mr. Comey stressed what he said were key differences between Mrs. Clinton’s case and that of David Petraeus, a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency prosecuted for mishandling classified information. Mr. Petraeus, he said, knowingly shared classified information with his biographer and then lied to the FBI about doing so.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) spoke during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on May 24 in Washington. On Thursday, Mr. Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said he is concerned there is a ‘double standard’ in the FBI’s treatment of Mrs. Clinton. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg News
“In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case,” Mr. Comey said.
The Justice Department’s decision not to bring charges, and the lack of bombshells in the hearing, threw the dispute back into the political arena. Republicans said the episode shows Mrs. Clinton cannot be trusted with the nation’s secrets, while the Clinton campaign, gratified by the lack of charges, is pushing to turn public attention back to what it calls the weaknesses of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Asked whether a job candidate who had shown the same carelessness as Mrs. Clinton would be hired at the FBI, Mr. Comey didn’t answer directly but said it would be an important consideration.
Earlier Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) sent a letter to James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, saying Mrs. Clinton shouldn’t receive the intelligence briefings traditionally accorded the party’s presidential nominees.
“There is no legal requirement for you to provide Secretary Clinton with classified information, and it would send the wrong signal to all those charged with safeguarding our nation’s secrets if you choose to provide her access to this information despite the FBI’s findings,” Mr. Ryan wrote.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) and nine other GOP senators called on the State Department to suspend Mrs. Clinton’s security clearance.
Democrats dismissed such calls as posturing. Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), said the intelligence briefings are designed to prepare the candidates and help them avoid campaign statements that would hurt the national interest.
“The call by the House GOP leadership to cancel briefings for Secretary Clinton and brief only Donald Trump is as predictable as it is absurd,” Mr. Schiff said.
Corrections & Amplifications: Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) on Thursday asked FBI director James Comey if the agency had looked into whether Hillary Clinton perjured herself at a past hearing. An earlier version of this article incorrectly said Mr. Chaffetz’s question was posed on Tuesday. Likewise, Rep. Mark Meadows (R., N.C.) on Thursday expressed incredulity about Mrs. Clinton not realizing passages in emails were confidential, not on Tuesday. (July 7)
Write to Kate O’Keeffe at kathryn.okeeffe@wsj.com and Byron Tau at byron.tau@wsj.com

New Report: FBI Director James Comey Connected to Clinton Foundation

By Kurt Nimmo, Infowars
Republicans are demanding answers from FBI boss James Comey.
On Monday, they sent a letter demanding to know why he didn’t recommend federal charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of private email servers. Clinton “clearly placed our nation’s secrets in peril,” the letter states. “No one is above the law, and the American people deserve a more robust explanation for your decision to not recommend criminal charges.”
The letter sent by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, and committee member Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, also mentions emails deleted by Clinton and forensically recovered by the FBI. They want to know if the emails had anything to do with the Clinton Foundation.
Director of HSBC Holdings
James Comey did not recommend federal charges in part because he is connected to the Clinton Foundation through the Swiss bank HSBC.
Comey was appointed Director of HSBC Holdings in March, 2013. He became an independent non-executive Director and a member of the Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee. The appointment was set to expire this year.
Wealthy HSBC clients lined up to shower cash on the Clinton foundation, including Jeffrey Epstein, the hedge fund manager and convicted sex offender. Others include Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra and Richard Caring, the British retail magnate.
HSBC is connected to the Clinton Foundation through a number of initiatives, including its “Building the Corporate Coalition,” “Scaling Rainwater Harvesting for 21st Century Mexico,” “Investing in Management and Leadership in Vietnam,” and other projects. Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and a number of transnational corporations, also participate.
Clinton Money Mill
The Clintons have used the foundation to enrich themselves. Documents disclosed through litigation by Judicial Watch “provided a road map for over 200 conflict-of-interest rulings that led to at least $48 million in speaking fees for the Clintons during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. Previously disclosed documents in this lawsuit, for example, raise questions about funds Clinton accepted from entities linked to Saudi Arabia, China and Iran, among others.”
Hillary Clinton and her aides were involved in fundraising for the foundation and “she turned the State Department into the DC office of the Clinton Foundation.”
Special Prosecutor
Comey may be on the periphery of Clinton’s use of foreign policy to raise money for her foundation, but his position at HSBC may explain in part why she received kid glove treatment while others accused of similar crimes were prosecuted. His connection, however tenuous, should be reason enough to revisit the case and appoint a special prosecutor, as Rep. Matt Salmon of Arizona has demanded.
Ohio Republican Mike Turner accused the FBI of being “steeped in political bias” and said there should be an “independent and impartial decision” made about the legality of Clinton’s use of email.

FBI Director James Comey EXPOSED: Received millions from Clinton Foundation, on their Corporate Partner Board, brother works for law firm that does Clinton Foundation taxes
A review of FBI Director James Comey’s professional history and relationships shows that the Obama cabinet leader — now under fire for his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton — is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.
These concerns focus on millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, Comey’s former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.

Auftritt der Korrupten

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