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Freitag, 5. Februar 2021


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 Po drugiej stronie oceanu, w Stanach Zjednoczonych, odegrała Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein, polityk z amerykańskiej Partii Demokratycznej, znaczącą rolę w amerykańskim Senacie w zatajeniu prawdy (cover up) o przyczynach dojścia do skutku katastrofy tsunami 26. grudnia 2004 r. i w pogwałceniu sprawiedliwości wobec jej ofiar. Wpływowa rola tej amoralnej  przewodniczącej Komisji Senatu d/s Wywiadu sprawiła, że prawda o całkowitej bezczynności i nieudolności amerykańskich wojskowych i cywilnych służb wywiadowczych w obliczu zbliżającej się katastrofy nie wyszła na jaw, a w szczególności, że tym Żydom, którzy byli odpowiedzialni za kryminalnie niedbały brak ostrzeżeń i alarmów władz, nie spadł włos z głowy. Dlaczego?

Pod ogromną presją kłamliwych żydowskich mediów, których jawny fałsz od samego początku przez lata propagowany był i dalej jest na wszystkich kanałach na całym świecie, kłamliwych mediów, które tą antropogenną katastrofę (man made disaster) ostemplowały jako klęskę żywiołową, pod tą zmasowaną presją zmasowanej desinformacji nie tylko że nie doszło do tego, iż osoby odpowiedzialne za masowe kryminalne zaniedbania powodujące  w ich następstwie masową, gwałtowną i okrutną śmierć paru tysięcy turystów (wśród których byli także obywatele USA, a w sumie ok. 300.000 ludzi), nie zostały oskarżone i potępione, ale również, że pogrążone w traumie i rozpaczy ofiary tej katastrofy zostały pozostawione samemu sobie na łaskę losu bez żadnej pomocy i odszkodowania. 

W samych Niemczech zebrano 670 milionów euro donacji na pomoc ofiarom tsunami, a miliardy na całym świecie. Ale zostały one rozkradzione przez tzw. organizacje charytatywne, w których kierowniczą rolę sprawowali osoby pochodzenia żydowskiego. Jednym z wielu aktorów tej nikczemnej malwersacji był Amerykański i Niemiecki Czerwony Krzyż. Żydzi - którzy używając szantażu wyłudzają nieustannie miliardy w ramach odszkodowań od wszystkich możliwych państw - odegrali decydującą i wiodącą rolę w tym haniebnym procesie pogwałcenia prawdy i sprawiedliwości, który miał miejsce po ich współuczestnictwie w masowej zbrodni przeciwko ludzkości, którym była do uniknięcia śmierć tysięcy ludzi. 

Nawiasem mówiąc: Ci nieliczni Żydzi, którzy zginęli w tsunami 2004 roku, też ich nie interesowali, bo Żyd nie zadziera z państwem, które i tak codziennie doji i zdziera. Publiczne postawienie tej krowy mlecznej pod pręgierz, a tym bardziej jej ubój, było dla nich nie do przyjęcia krokiem za daleko. 

Całym tym systemem deprawacji i perwersji moralnego zbydlęceniem na drodze współuczestnictwia w masowej zbrodni, a następnie w szalblerstwie, malwersacji, opresji prawdy i sprawiedliwości patronowała i patronuje do dziś w amerykańskim Senacie Żydówa Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein. W kontekście zmasowanej korupcji i napychania sobie kieszeni pieniędzmi mafijnymi metodami, o których mowa w załączonym anglojęzycznym tekście i pomni haniebnej nagonki łowczej na Snowdena, którą publicznie zainicjowała swego czasu Feinstein, jest jasne, jakie bydło odpowiedzialne jest za to zbydlęcenie: żydowskie.

PS. W katastrofie zginęli również Polacy.


If nothing else has pissed you off about this administration this might get to you. The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices.

The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, most of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country. The sale of these properties will fetch about $19 billion.

A regular real estate commission will be paid to the company that was given the exclusive listing for handling the sales. That company is CRI and it belongs to a man named Richard Blum.

Richard Blum is the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein. (Most voters and many of the government people who approved the deal have not made the connection between the two because they have different last names).

Senator Feinstein and her husband stand to make a fortune (est at between $950 million and $1.1 billion!!) from these transactions. His company is the sole real estate on the sale. CRI will be making a minimum of 3% and as much as 6% commission on each and every sale.

All of the properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. taxpayers dollars. The U.S.P.S. is allowed free and c l e a r, tax exempt use. The only cost to keep them open is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay county property taxes on these subject properties.

Would you put your house in foreclosure just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill? Well, the folks in Washington have given the Post Office the OK to do it!

Worse yet, most of the net proceeds of the sales will go back to the U.S.P.S, an organization that is so poorly managed that they have lost $117 billion dollars in the past 10 years!

No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over the conflict of interest and on the possibility of corruption on the sale of billions of dollars worth of public assets.

How does a U.S. Senator from San Francisco manage to get away with organizing and lobbying such a sweet deal? Has our government become so elitist that they have no fear of oversight?

And it's no mere coincidence that these two public service crooks have different last names; a feeble attempt at avoiding transparency in these type of transactions.


Did Dianne Feinstein Get Her

Husband’s Company a USPS Contract?

Richard Blum, the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, obtained a contract to broker sales of USPS facilities, but no evidence documents that it was due to his wife's influence.

David Mikkelson

Published 23 April 2013

Richard Blum, the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, obtained a contract to broker sales of USPS facilities due to his wife's influence.Richard Blum, Dianne Feinstein's husband, chairs a company that brokers sales of USPS facilities.

What's False

Blum's company was not awarded a "no-bid" contract, and no evidence supports the claim that Richard Blum's company obtained the contract due to his wife's influence. Facing a deficit of billions of dollars in recent years, the United States Postal Service (USPS) has floated a number of proposals to reduce that deficit, including selling off hundreds of post office properties in order to gain cash flow and reduce expenses. According to the Postal Service’s 2012 report to Congress, more than 600 buildings nationwide were “earmarked for disposal” at tjay to,e and the “USPS Properties for Saleweb site listed 40 buildings and land parcels for sale across the U.S.

In 2011, the CB Richard Ellis Group (now CBRE Group, Inc.), the world’s largest commercial real estate services firm, was awarded an exclusive contract to market USPS facilities which provides CBRE with a commission of 2 to 6 percent on the sale of those properties. This award has been the subject of some controversy, as CBRE’s Chairman of the Board is Richard C. Blum, the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, who represents the state of California in the U.S. Senate: It was recently learned that the United States has entered into a contract with one firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided that it no longer needs these buildings (many of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country).

The sale of these properties will bring in billions of dollars and, with that, millions of dollars in commissions for the one Company that is in charge of handling the sale and negotiation of the new leases. What makes this such a matter of concern is that the company that the Government has contracted with to conduct the sales (and the corresponding leases for the new locations of the displaced post offices) is owned by Richard Blum.

Does that name mean anything to you? Maybe it should re-phrased and say that the person who owns the company that is solely in charge of this multi-million-dollar transaction is Richard Blum the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein.

It isn’t accurate to say Richard Blum is “solely in charge” of CBRE or he “owns” the company, as CBRE is headed by President and Chief Executive Officer Robert E. Sulentic and is a public company whose shares are owned by many different individuals and institutional stockholders. However, it is indeed true that Richard Blum is both CBRE’s chairman and the husband of a U.S. senator, and Blum Capital, a private equity firm founded by Richard Blum, is one of CBRE’s larger institutional stockholders.

However, Senator Feinstein holds no position in the Congress that provides her with any particular control or authority over the U.S. Postal Service (such as sitting on the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which has jurisdiction over the Postal Service).

Postal Service spokeswoman Sue Brennan said that seven different firms participated in competitive bidding for the USPS contract, and CBRE Group was chosen because it “was the contractor with the best overall organization, capability and experience.”

Writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, columnist Andrew S. Ross quoted a representative of Senator Feinstein as asserting she was not involved in her husband’s business dealings, and the contract between the USPS and CBRE was not initiated or influenced by Congress: As for accusations of a conflict of interest and suspicions that Feinstein may have influenced the awarding of the contract to her husband’s firm, Feinstein’s office strongly denies the charges.

“Sen. Feinstein is not involved with and does not discuss any of her husband’s business decisions with him. Her husband’s holdings are his separate personal property. Sen. Feinstein’s assets are held in a blind trust. That arrangement has been in place since before she came to the Senate in 1992,” said Brian Weiss, Feinstein’s communications director.

In 2012, Feinstein voted for an amendment to a postal reform bill that would have temporarily halted post office closings. The amendment was defeated in the House. Both the Postal Service and CBRE insisted the 2011 contract was competitively bid. The Postal Service is an independent agency that reports to Congress, but there is no indication Congress plays any role in the awarding of contracts. While CBRE handles the transactions, it does not advise the Postal Service which facilities to put on the market, I was told by both sides.

In June 2013 the USPS’ Office of Inspector General issued an audit report which noted “outsourcing real estate management services to one supplier is a fundamental change from how the Postal Service previously managed its real estate portfolio” and was critical of several aspects of the contract between USPS and CBRE, but Richard Blum’s marital relationship with Senator Feinstein was not among the conflict of interest issues cited in that report: Specifically, there are conflict of interest concerns and no maximum contract value. In addition, the contracting officer did not properly approve contract payments, appoint contracting officer’s representatives to monitor contract performance, or ensure services were provided. As a result, it is difficult for the Postal Service to determine whether the outsourcing effort has been or will be effective in reducing costs.

Conflict of interest concerns exist because the contractor provides a range of property values to negotiate a lease and receives a commission from the lessor based on the property value negotiated. Further, the contractor acts on behalf of the Postal Service in negotiating leases and the contractor can also represent the lessor. The Postal Service established a targeted incentive for reduced lease rates but in the first year of the contract did not meet the target. In addition, Facilities officials did not establish a maximum contract amount, which poses the risk of escalating contract costs. Officials increased contract funding from $2 million to $6 million and, as of February 2013, contract payments exceeded $3 million.

Lastly, in fiscal year 2012, employees not appointed contracting officer’s representatives certified $1.7 million for invoices, including $1.1 million for services requested and certified by the same individual, which presents an increased risk of fraud. Ineffective contract oversight poses an increased risk to the Postal Service’s finances, brand, and reputation.

Journalist Peter Byrne expanded his previous news writings on this subject into a full-length book dedicated to the relationship between Richard Blum, CBRE, and the USPS in which he charged Blum and CBRE with various misdealings and mismanagement in brokering the sales of USPS properties, but he offered no proof Blum and CBRE had obtained or kept their contract with the USPS due to the influence of Senator Feinstein.

Verified on Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/blum.asp

More info:

Dianne Feinstein's Husband Named in UC Admissions Scandal

Published September 25, 2020

• Updated on September 25, 2020 at 2:00 pm

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, University of California Regent Richard Blum, was named Thursday by the state auditor's office as one of the regents involved in admissions scandal where UC wrongly admitted dozens of wealthy, mostly white students as favors to well-connected people.

Among those “inappropriately admitted” were a student whose family was friends with a member of the Board of Regents, the child of a major donor and an applicant who babysat for a colleague of a former admissions director, according to the report released Tuesday by the California State Auditor.

In one case, a regent unidentified in the audit sent an “inappropriate letter of support” directly to the UC Berkeley chancellor on behalf of a student with only a 26% chance of winning a spot off the wait list, despite the policy prohibiting efforts by regents to influence admissions decisions by going around the regular process. The applicant was admitted.

Auditor’s spokeswoman Margarita Fernandez confirmed to The Associated Press that Blum was the regent. Blum told the San Francisco Chronicle on Thursday that he’s done nothing wrong and that he has used his clout to get friends and family into the elite public system for years.

“I did it a bunch of times,” Blum said, adding that he has never considered it a problem to write recommendation letters bypassing the traditional admissions process. A policy prohibiting such influence has been in place throughout Blum’s 18-year tenure on the Board of Regents, the newspaper reported.

Blum, a financier, told the Chronicle that “no one ever told me it was wrong.” He said he has sent letters of recommendation about friends and family to chancellors at multiple UC campuses since becoming a regent in 2002. “Wherever they were applying. Wherever they wanted to get in.” He recalled sending letters specifically to the chancellors at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC Irvine, but added: “almost everywhere.”

Regents Chair John Pérez issued a statement Thursday saying the “UC Board of Regents takes these matters very seriously, and any violations will be promptly and appropriately addressed.”

He said that UC’s ethics and audit compliance office is reviewing the information “to determine whether the alleged conduct violates” the regents policy, in place since 1996. Feinstein’s office declined to comment.

The audit examined admissions policies and practices over the six academic years from 2013-2014 to 2018-2019 at four of the UC’s nine campuses — UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara. It was requested last year by state Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath in response to the national college admissions scandal, which embroiled prestigious universities nationwide, athletic coaches and dozens of wealthy parents.


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