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Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2019


Farce before the House Judiciary Intelligence and Committees

Impeachment-Obsessed Jews Ignore Logic and Law as 4 Professors (most of them Jews) Testify at Hearing

Chairman Jerrold Nadler (Jew) assembled a team of three law professors (two among of them Jews) 

  • Prof. Pamela Karlan (Jew) She first raised the prospect of impeaching President Trump in 2016 before he even took office.
  • Prof. Noah Feldman (Jew) has spent nearly 3 years calling for impeachment—for any reason you can imagine. Less than two months after Inauguration Day, Feldman was arguing for impeachment . . . because of a tweet.  He even called for impeachment because he dislike the President.
  • Prof. Michael Gerhardt (a traitor to the US nation and a tool in Jewish hands) spent years working for Jews and helping traitors. 

  • who were already on record as hating President Trump. During their daylong testimony, their hate was palpable. There was little effort there to disguise the relentless Jewish agenda to remove Trump from office come what may.
    Fanatics can justify any action, and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (Jew) this week demonstrated where that mindset leads. In his rush to paint Donald Trump as a lawbreaker, Mr. Schiff has himself trampled law and responsibility. 

    (based on The White House Daily of December 4, 2019, on what Gregg Jarrett wrote for Fox News and o what Kimberley A. Strassel wote for the WSJ Dec. 5,2019)

    Typically for traitors and Jews.

    Jerzy Chojnowski
    Chairman-GTVRG e.V.

    PS. Treason and the US constitution

    Question: What is a traitor?

    Answer: One who is not loyal to and betrays his or her own country.

    On that basis, and in the simple logic of common sense, there is surely a strong case for saying that those men and women who are elected to the US Congress and put the interests of a foreign power (Israel) before those of their own country are traitors and, because they are endangering America’s own best interests by doing so, should be charged with treason.

    = 42 of the 535 members of the US Congress have dual American-Israeli citizenship =

    "This may be the greatest mystery of all: the relations between Israel and the USA. They are everything but logical. We have a protégé that humiliates its patron power and a power that grovels in front of its protégé; a power that acts against its own interests and a president who acts contrary to his worldview. We have a protégé whose dependence on the power grows with its effrontery and a power’s unbelievable weakness in the face of its protégé’s brazenness. It’s a wild sado-masochistic game, in which it is not clear who is the slave and who is the master, which is the power and which is its protégé.

    Nothing can fully explain this phenomenon, certainly not in its current dimensions. No Israeli government has permitted itself to disregard the American administration with such impudence as the current one. No American administration has received the spitting in its face as submissively as this one. No other ally in the world, including the European powers, has dared to act so explicitly against the United States’ positions. All this is happening with Israel isolated in the world and dependent on the United States’ mercy, while its policy endangers American and global interests."

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