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Samstag, 25. Juli 2020


Some phenomena have hidden causes. The essence of the matter in the question: Who is behind ANTIFA and who supports the anarchists and looters? is: The Jews with their subversive and destructive ideology: JUDEOBOLSCHEWISM (in German), ŻYDOKOMUNA (in Polish), JEWISH BOLSHEVISM (in English).

More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism

Goebbels was right in saying...

Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister for propaganda and public education, - a fanatic anti-Semite - speaking at the September 1935 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg linked in his speech the Bolshevism with international Jewry and warned Nazi party members of an international Jewish conspiracy to destroy western civilization. Goebbels led the purge of Jewish and other so-called "un-German" influences from the cultural institutions of Nazi Germany.

Hitler justified therefore violence against Jews and acts of war against the Soviet Union as a preventive protective measure against the "Jewish-Bolshevik threat" from the Soviet Union, which was directed against ethnic nationalism and wanted to subject the whole of Europe to "Asian barbarian hordes" - led by Jewish communists. A mental basis for his persecution and murder of millions of Jews.

Roosevelt, Churchill and other western politicians were very aware of this Red Jewish Danger. They agreed with Hitler.

Even some critical Jews are aware of all these historically proven truths as you can see below...

Food For Thought – Some Reasons Why Adversity To Jews Exists

In October 2018, an American shot 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. His reasoning: the Jews conspired against "white" America to destroy it. Therefore, they would smuggle Muslims and other unwanted immigrants. He was right too in saying that.

After bringing all media under their control, Jews did everything in their power to hide and cover up their real motives, lie to the public, and indoctrinate them through their propaganda and brainwashing.

That is why America is on the brink of civil war now. Portland is only the beginning. And this also comes to Europe if the politicians and the citizens do not learn anything from history and if the Free World does not free itself from Jewish terror.

The ethnic time bomb set by Jews is ticking - it will destroy our nation-states from inside. No A-bombs, no missiles, no tanks and no aircraft carriers will be able to prevent this. But only if we stay inactive and will accept the situation.

That is why historical and political education is so important.

Jerzy Chojnowski
Chairman-GTVRG e.V.

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