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Sonntag, 19. August 2018


Since the gigantic quake of mega magnitude 9.3 at 8 a.m. local time, a seaquake in the Sunda Trench, the longest in history and the second strongest ever recorded, rocked the whole Southeast Asia, and was localized all over the world within minutes by seismographs, and the resulting tsunami wave was recorded by the geomonitoring and spy satellites - two hours passed before the destructive tsunami wave reached the West coast of Thailand. During this time the tourists in the beach hotels could have been warned and evacuated. 

This was possible and should not have been omitted. But it was due to criminal negligence and collective total failure of governmental authorities, scientific institutions and organisations and the tourism industry, in Thailand and abroad. Because of their grossly negligent omissions in the matter of disaster prevention and non-functioning crisis and disaster management, there were no warnings: not by the Thai government, and not by the governments of the countries from which the tourists came. Failed evacuation and lack of warnings of the impending flood wave led to the humanitarian disaster and a crime against humanity.

After the catastrophe the people in charge in Thailand, in Asia and in the Western World were only concerned with suppressing the unpleasant truth, covering up facts, and keeping silent about it. A wall of silence was built by them. Public prosecutors, courts, parliaments, ministries and inquiry commission did not get to work, and the lying press twisted the truth into a natural disaster. Of the 670 million tsunami donations alone in Germany and billions anywhere in the world, victims in the Free World did not receive a single penny.

All states involved in this criminal failure, their authorities, supranational organizations and private sector actors have grossly reckless violated the fundamental human right to life and physical integrity. They have grossly negligent disregarded their duty of care and responsibility to protect towards theirs citizens in a cross-border emergency.

The Association GTVRG e.V. (as the successor of the Association TVG (Tsunami Victims Group) was established in November 2005 in the aftermath of the tsunami calamity of Christmas 2004 in Thailand to look back on and reappraise  it as a man-made disaster. The catastrophy affected, on the whole, citizens of 55 countries and led to the avoidable destruction and human mass dead of few thousand Western tourists including citizens of Germany, Australia and Great Britain. The Chairman is survivor and traumatized victim of this catastrophy. We believe that all victims' legal claims to justice associated with this crime against humanity never become time-barred.

The statutory purposes of the Association are mainly the following:

- Representation of victims interests.
- Acting as a lobby group vis-à-vis politics, administration, the media and other stakeholders.
- Conducting legal steps before national, supranational and foreign courts in the name of tsunami victims.
- Obtaining the compensation payments to the victims and survivors of the tsunami disaster 2004 for theirs rehabilitation and recovery by way of judicial judgments.
- Prosecution of the perpetrators who were responsible for the occurrence of the tsunami disaster and its human consequences.
- Achievement of sufficient state disaster prevention, and reliable disaster management, at home and abroad through legislative, executive, organizational, technical and personnel measures.
- Achieving of strict standards and effective safety regulations with regard to possible environmental hazards in the tourist industry.
- Complete clarification of the catastrophic course of events through state investigation commissions at home and abroad, with conclusive evidence supporting investigative reports that clearly identify all guilty parties.
- Publishing all relevant document that provide the full picture of the disaster.
- Strengthening victim protection in German, European and international legal systems.

Chairman-GTVRG e.V.

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